Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Sleeping Among the Stars...

Today at around 12pm, Kataraina Chantelle Rose stopped breathing...

She was cradled in her mother Myrene's arms, whilst huddled together with her dad Calvin and her two brothers, Jax and Cody.

Her breathing decreased over a period of around 10 minutes, until finally she let go of this world and slipped into the next. There, she won't be alone, and there is comfort in the thought that she will be greeted by our late grandmother, who will protect and guide her on her next journey.

Though her battle with NKH may have been lost, she fought her way through three months of good times as well as the not-so-good and gave us time to know her, love her and treasure her.

She will be greatly missed by all those whose lives and hearts she touched, and now we come together in strength to support her parents during this time of grief and loss.

Thank you to everyone who provided kind words, support - both material and spiritual, love and compassion.

Our butterfly has completed her cycle of life on this earth, but her wings now will take her beyond the clouds and into the heavens.

Kataraina Chantelle Rose Devine
Born 16 August 2005
Died 7 December 2005
'Death leaves a heartache no one can heal;
love leaves a memory no one can steal.'


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aww baby, how I wish we didn't have to say goodbye to you, and what we wouldn't give to be able to have you here a bit longer.
Four months seems like such a short time, but what a time it's been. You captured everyone's hearts and have touched so many lives with your bravery, determination and strong spirit.
I feel truly blessed and honoured to have had the opportunity to get to know you and spend time with you, and for all the warm fuzzy cuddles.
Though this journey has at times been tough for you and your whanau, the immense love that they showered on you from your grand entrance into the world is something that will stay with me forever.
There has surely never been one of God's angels who was more widely loved and adored than you sweet baby, and that will never go away.
What you have given to your family and those who were lucky enough to know you is likewise and cannot be measured for you have captivated us all.
I wish you love light and peace on your journey darling and I know that you'll be safe and happy by your Nanny's side.
We'll give your Mummy and Daddy all the love amd support we can, and we will remember you with fondness and hold our precious memories close in our hearts until the time comes when we can see you again.
All the love in the world.
"Aunty Ebz" and Cheyenne xxxxxxx

2:07 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

to my baby niece...
i wish i could of held you, just once. When everyone was joking around that i hadnt, i was sorta sad, but i thought hey, its okay, i'll be back soon enough to have time with you. But you couldnt wait one week longer - my poor bubba. Aunty has cried a lot for you, and she tried so so hard to be by your side while you joined nan.
I want you to know that i think of u a lot, and that u have done so much for all of us. Brought us all home, all together a bit more.
Aunty Tiana loves u Kataraina.
xxx to our borrowed angel.

11:46 pm  

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