Saturday, December 03, 2005

Update 5 - Sleeping on Steroids

Oops, it's been a little while since I updated! Kataraina started steroids on Wednesday. Since then, she has not woken up, but her seizures have reduced in both frequency and severity. Her first day of steroid treatment, she only had three seizures that day. Now they last only around 3 mins each, which is a massive improvement from around 17mins each.

Apparently she's not being weaned off the Vigabatrin, because then she'll be taking no anti-convulsant medication, so perhaps they decided to reduce the dose but not remove it altogether.

When I got there, she'd just been suctioned to remove mucus build-up in her throat because her breathing was so rattily. She's on the oxygen now, too. She was being taken for an X-ray as we were leaving - a chest X-ray to see if she has an infection or anything.

On Thursday (I think) Kataraina's nana took some photos of her in the christening gown. She was christened at around 12 days of age, while she was in SCBU at Middlemore Hospital. But at that time, she was very very sick and could not have photos in the gown, so it's just as well they did them now cos soon she'd be too big to fit! Here's a picture of Kataraina and her mum.


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