Christmas Day

I thought of you on Christmas Day
As I walked by where the presents lay
A bird flew past and caught my eye
I looked - a monarch butterfly!
It fluttered and flitted, to and fro,
Putting on a little show
I thought it was a cheery sign
To let me know that you were fine
The spectacle, it didn't last
The monarch flew away too fast
But for that moment, I felt you here
And I smiled, holding your memory dear
Later I went to your Nana's house
She'd opened your presents and set them out
And while we were visiting your Mum and Dad
Nana told of an experience she'd had
That day, while cooking festive cuisine,
she'd walked past the door and what had she seen?
But a monarch butterfly that flew right in -
startling her first, then making her grin
For she thought her darling moko had come
to make sure she wasn't feeling so glum
"Hello, my darling!" she said, as it flew
"You've come to visit me, haven't you?"
"Now go visit the others," she said with a smile
Pleased the butterfly had stayed a while
The the monarch flew up and away
Making its visits on Christmas Day
So if a monarch visited you,
Kataraina must have blessed you, too.
Next time you see the butterfly,
just smile, say hello, then wave goodbye.
Merry Christmas, Kataraina - lots of love, Aunty Eva xoxo
I am so sorry that your little Kat has been taken away from your family. NKH is a terrible disorder, no family should have to go through this. My thoughts and prayers are with you during this difficult time of grief.
Kia ora Eva! Maia here.
Well, I honestly, cant belive that our baby has finaly gone. I sit here at home thinking of good times, when we we're young and having fun with eachother, and than, this little girl pops up into my head. Her soft brown deep eyes looking deep into my hazel eyes. It's so hard to belive that she is gone. I feel like crying. I just cant imagine what Myrene and Calvin are going through, but they are strong, and they will find a way to move on from this painful experience. A big mihi to you Eva (and your helpers) and the effort that you have put into making such a dedication like this for our baby Kataraina.
Love you all so very much. Live life to the fullest where ever you go! Love always! Maia
Myrene and Calvin,
So sorry for the loss of your beautiful baby girl.......
We all find an angel,
In pain and sorrow,
But life always moves on,
And is easier tommorrow,
If you banish your tears,
And listen, for a while,
Remaining quite calm,
You may soon break a smile.
For an angel, will be softly,
Brushing your cheek,
Telling you that its alright,
And life's not so bleak.
This angel may be feeling,
As much sadness as you,
As they gently caress,
Try to ease you through,
For this angel may well be,
The very person that you miss,
Sweetly trying to console you,
With the softest gentle kiss,
This angel may well stay,
With you, all the while,
Even when sadness diminishes,
And is replaced with a smile......
Kia Kaha and God Bless.
I'm so sorry to hear of your sad news, but also very glad I found your site. I have just lost my second baby to NKH, the first was 13 years ago, the second on the 27th of December, 2005. My heart goes out to all your family. Perhaps all three babies are looking after each other right now, wherever they may be.
Kia Ora.
This is the first time i've read the Christmas Day post - i had read the others but NEVER LEFT A COMMENT!
So to everyone that made "Kataraina's Journal", its real nice, the storys are touching, and the pictures are nice to. gives us a chance to see what went on in her life! and get to know what happend in that time
i almost cried when i read the stories again.
Happy birthday Kataraina, and rest in peace.
Naku noa,
Na Tiakina
Eva, thank you so much for developing this page for the whanau to come back to when we're feeling melancholy about the loved ones we've lost recently.
It's hard to believe we were blessed such a short time ago with such an innocent child and her vivacious aunty Viv.
I love the stories, poems and other comments being posted too. Kia kaha Eva. You are so skilled, and your skills are helping us all to cope with our loss.
Arohanui, Aunty Lu (NZ)
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