Christmas Day

I thought of you on Christmas Day
As I walked by where the presents lay
A bird flew past and caught my eye
I looked - a monarch butterfly!
It fluttered and flitted, to and fro,
Putting on a little show
I thought it was a cheery sign
To let me know that you were fine
The spectacle, it didn't last
The monarch flew away too fast
But for that moment, I felt you here
And I smiled, holding your memory dear
Later I went to your Nana's house
She'd opened your presents and set them out
And while we were visiting your Mum and Dad
Nana told of an experience she'd had
That day, while cooking festive cuisine,
she'd walked past the door and what had she seen?
But a monarch butterfly that flew right in -
startling her first, then making her grin
For she thought her darling moko had come
to make sure she wasn't feeling so glum
"Hello, my darling!" she said, as it flew
"You've come to visit me, haven't you?"
"Now go visit the others," she said with a smile
Pleased the butterfly had stayed a while
The the monarch flew up and away
Making its visits on Christmas Day
So if a monarch visited you,
Kataraina must have blessed you, too.
Next time you see the butterfly,
just smile, say hello, then wave goodbye.
Merry Christmas, Kataraina - lots of love, Aunty Eva xoxo