Saturday, December 02, 2006

Baby Sister Sent Home

Kataraina's mum was five months' pregnant when the results came back on Friday 24 November 2006 that confirmed the unborn child was also afflicted with NKH.

Kat's parents made the decision to send the baby home, and on Wednesday 29 November 2006, after an induced labour, the baby was delivered stillborn.

On Thursday Mum and Dad picked up their wee baby, who had been dressed in tiny hand-knitted clothes by the lovely ladies at the hospital.

That afternoon, the rain stopped long enough to bury Purerehua (Butterfly) beneath the headstone of her father's sister who had passed away in 1997 at the age of 21.

It is a terrible sight to witness the absolute grief of parents burying their child, and it is no less heart-wrenching to see it more than once.

Our hearts go out to Myrene and Calvin both for their loss.

Aunty Eva xox


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Darling
A year ago yesterday you left and it all seems quite surreal.
For your Mum and Dad though, I know it's just as fresh today as it was last year, especially with the sadness of having lost little Purerehua.
Life truly seems unfair sometimes and I pray that your Mum will one day be blessed with the everyday experiences of motherhood that most of us take for granted.
When I think of you I am reminded that we shouldn't take this experience for granted even when it feels like our children are driving us crazy.

I'm sure that with your help, and a combined effort from your Nan, Aunty and Sister, this dream will one day be possible for Mum, because she's a natural parent, and she deserves it.
As you'll know - your whanau are at Taheke right now, commemorating your anniversary and spending time with the whanau up there in the North.
I hope you're taking good care of your little sister and I'm sure you'll be good friends, just like your Mum and Aunty Vivienne.
It's sad to think that in less than 2 weeks, Cheyenne and I will be moving back to Putaruru because we will miss your family just as much as we have missed our own whanau while we've been here.
I hope that there'll be many times when we can head back up here for weekends and holidays so that we can keep in touch and continue to enjoy their company.

And lastly, I hope all is well with you and your fabulous company of ladies.
Miss you lots and think of you often.

2:40 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Tena Koe taku mokopuna e

4 and 1 years old is what you would be if you were still here with us. I think often of you my darling mokos, and what kind of antics you, Purerehua and your cousins, Jaydeci and Mahia, would be getting up to.

As I stand back and watch them play and laugh, I can see you and Purerehua right in with them, and one of you trying to be the boss and lord it over everyone. I wonder who would win.

Jaydeci knows you so well, and talks of you, as if you were here, she sees your photo, and speaks your name in such a genteel voice, its as if, she doesnt want to disturb you. She definitely has an afinitey with you. And her favourite people are, of course, your mum and Dad. Which is why Im in here in the first place.

Mum and Dad, finally, have the chance of having a baby, ( and we thank you and Purerehua for this taonga that we are given) a taonga that is truly ours to keep. Thank you my darlings, we will treasure your taonga with much aroha. We are looking forward to having baby arrive, but I think mum and dad will be more overjoyed.

As a nana, I just cant wait for her to arrive, and its taking far too long at the moment.

My dear Kataraina and Purerehua, your in my heart forever and ever. Arohatinonui ki a korua, Na tou Krani xoxoxoxoxox.

3:46 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's so wonderful that your baby sister has arrived safe and sound Kataraina, another amazing gift for your Mum and Dad and I'm very very happy for them - for you all.
One little sister to look after in heaven, and one to watch over on earth, you must be very proud!
I'm sure this baby is going to have a very blessed life here and will of course be every bit as loved and cherished as you are.
Lots of love you to both sweetheart xxx

10:24 pm  

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