Moving On

For this reason, the parents gave DNA samples, which were sent away (possibly to the US) for testing so the rogue gene could be identified. When these results are back, it means that Kataraina's parents could use IVF treatment to isolate "good" eggs/sperm in order to increase the odds of conceiving a child without the genes. In order to present with NKH, the child has to have the affected gene from BOTH parents. The odds of it happening are extremely low, hence the reason so little is known about NKH.
Anyway, the doctors did not want to leave Kataraina untreated for a long period of time because she was so ill. They started Kataraina on two medications - Clonazepam and Sodium Benzoate. Her response was quick! Within a few days, she began opening her eyes, moving her arms and her breathing strengthened (though, was still assisted at this point).
It would have been a great time to have a party for her, because she had been at death's door, with the families hoping for the best and fearing the worst. We had thought she was going to leave us, without so much as seeing all of the people who loved her so much. But here she was now, improving, recovering and getting better each day so that the prospect of her leaving SCBU and going home would be a reality. WOOHOO!
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